Sometimes something is so obvious and so true, that we find it difficult to create all the time.
For example, being positive all the time.
It’s easy to see that it’s a good idea, but as human beings we experience negative environments, negative events, negative people, etc., that lead us to have negative emotions and thoughts.
So being positive all the time becomes a constant challenge.
If being positive becomes your dominate state of mind then you can handle the negatives as they arise, by rationalising it, re-framing it, seeing the good in it or seeing the good in people, and so on.
So, it is with data.
Having good data all the time isn’t the easiest of tasks. Just like being able to handle negative thoughts through a predominate state of being positive, you can predominately have good data by knowing when your data is bad and fixing it immediately.
No one wants to stay in a negative state for longer than you must, so we learn to get out of it as quickly as possible.
And so, it is with data, you don’t want to have bad data for long periods, as it’s not good for you or your business.
We learn to have good data most of the time by:
“Demanding Good Data Now”
By being in a predominate state of good data.
Getting in the habit of measuring bad data and fixing bad data immediately substantially increases your returns.
Just like learning to turn negative thoughts back to positive thoughts, we learn how to constantly turn bad data into good data.
Remember, bad data happens for many reasons, the two most common ones are: (i) data degrades naturally; and (ii) we tend to enter poor data. If unchecked, your data works against you, instead of for you.
There’s no point waiting to fix data sometime in the future, like negative thoughts festering and creating negative outcomes for you, bad data will fester and give you bad marketing campaigns.
Just as negative thoughts hold you back, bad data holds your business back.
Watch this video on how good marketing returns can be with good data and how bad data ruins your marketing returns. It starkly illustrates the huge advantage of good data.
So, don’t leave bad data lying around, it only gets worse. Just as your being a positive person who swiftly handles negative emotions, you can swiftly turn bad data into good data propelling your business forward.